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I spent most of my teen years and early 20's trapped in the shadow of my own shame and anxiety. The My mind was constantly filled with thoughts of not being capable or enough.  Spending most of my energy comparing myself to others and hustling for my worth. I struggled daily with being alone, constantly over working and filling all my free time with people just to avoid whatever the hell my mind was going to tell me when I was alone. I felt like I was constantly trying to be what everyone else needed me to be and had no clue who I wanted to be. I somehow managed to be both overwhelmed and empty at the same time. 

For me, therapy became my safe space. A space where I could authentically be myself, cry, laugh, curse and sometimes just be. A place where I knew I wasn't alone, where I felt heard and empowered. I was finally able to quiet that voice and explore who I was under all of that worry and doubt. I began to live in what is instead of was was or what if.

Our time together can be the same safe space for you. I am committed to empowering you,  guiding you in your healing, and helping you see your power, worth, and capabilities. This is a space for you to grow, create, and flourish within your authentic self. My greatest joy is helping my clients create a life that they never thought was possible. Through vulnerability, exploration, and sometimes cutting through the bullshit, we can do just that. It is never too late to heal and begin again. 

You are so wildly capable. 

You are enough. 

You deserve healing.

Client Feedback 

Get in touch and book your own appointment today.

I truly cannot say enough about how Nicole’s counseling has changed my life for the better. She is everything I needed in a therapist - positive, kind, but a little sassy in the best way and not afraid to tell me how it is and call me out when I need it. When I started therapy with her, I was constantly in a downward spiral of stress, anxiety, and self-destructive behavior in just about every form. I could not make it through the day without descending into a spiral of self-hatred and an incurable need to get rid of every negative thought I have ever had. Since then, my life has been absolutely transformed because of the tools and strategies, as well as trauma processing, that Nicole has helped me with. I have the coping mechanisms to get through most of what life throws at me and I am making meaningful progress toward healing from years of internal and external mental and physical destruction. I finally feel like I can breathe again. I would recommend Nicole to anyone who wants to take control of their life again and put an end to their shame, guilt, depressive thoughts, negative outlook, and anxious spirals.

Natalie S.

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